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Speaking Engagements and Teaching

Writing a Song That Matters

Dar leads an inspirational songwriting retreat for any and all who want to improve their songwriting. Attendees spend five days at the Garrison Institute, a beautiful former monastery perched on the Hudson River. For details, go to

Writing Books and Writing Songs

An engaging, age-appropriate discussion of each creative process (prose and poetry) and a comparison of the two. Based on the writing of 8 studio albums on Razor & Tie Records and two young adult novels for Scholastic Press. Presentations are often 40 minutes of lecture/demonstration followed by 20 minutes of Q&A, but they are time-adaptable.

Schools Include:

  • Palmyra Middle School, Palmyra, NY
  • Ridgefield Middle School, Ridgefield, CT
  • Yorktown Middle School, Yorktown, NY
  • Meredith Middle School and High School, Meredith, NH
  • Ossining Middle School, Ossining, NY
  • Potomac School, McClean, VA
  • Seven Bridges Middle School, Chappaqua, NY
  • Milton Academy, Milton, MA


Tips and tricks of songwriting plus the encouragement to court inspiration, stay the course, and create a finished song.
  • Folks Festival, Boulder, CO
  • Fur Peace Ranch, Athens, OH
  • concert day workshops at colleges and high schools
  • Steve Earle's Camp Copperhead
  • Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch

Positive Proximity: What I Found In A Thousand Towns (including the one where I live)

After 20 years of touring in countless towns and cities, fundraising for libraries, public radio and community gardens, and supporting the renovation of old theaters, Dar discusses the social capital-building, what she calls Positive Proximity, that allows towns to become unique, prosperous and self-reliant.    
  • Sarah Lawrence College
  • Wesleyan University